Rodney Howard Browne – Luis S. Testimony

Hosea 4: 6~ My people perish from a lack of knowledge. (KJV). It truly is amazing how many people now of days take that bible scripture lightly. Beginning with myself, I never did really understand that scripture until I began to attend the River Bible Institute. With every day that passes I indulge myself more and more in the word f God to help better myself and also to be able to do good in school. Since I was not the brightest student in high school nor was I the most academically gifted student. I enrolled in R.B.I. with multiple goals to achieve, one most important one being to do my absolute best in all my study’s and school work and also so graduate at the top of my class.

But just as everyone around me in my life knows how bad I want this unfortunately so does the devil himself. In all honesty from the moment that I received the call from the administrator letting me know that I had been awarded the scholar ship and had been accepted into The River Bible Institute it is as if almost immediately the devil and his army declared war against me. I remember out of nowhere I began to get these thoughts of doubt and fear and different people around me bean to question my motives as to why I really wanted to get a degree in Theology and also put thoughts into my head through telling me I was waiting my time and that  was going to put two years of my life into something pointless and end up with a degree that would have no way of making any money or bring in any type of income for that fact to be able to help and support my family Luis S..