Rodney Howard Browne – Thomas R. Testimony

This week has been a powerful week so far! I have been riding my bike back and forth from services, to and from school, as well as to and from work, and I have been speaking to people and leading them to Christ. The difficulty for me has been setting out and doing it alone, and I have struggled with keeping myself motivated to do it because the fear rises up in me or there is an “urgency” to go and do something else that I have to do for the day.

However, when I began to step out in faith and start leading people to Christ, it began to break! I still find that fear rising up, but I have been able to overcome it by grabbing scriptures and cursing the thoughts of fear or the distractions of life in order to win souls! The devil will always try and make sure there is something else for me to do or that their faces will strike fear in my heart, but as God told Jeremiah and Ezekiel, “Be not afraid of their faces…” I am excited and am believing God to begin to do something brand new in the coming weeks!! Hallelujah!!  -Thomas R.