Rodney Howard Browne – Trinette S. Testimony

The pastors and staff at RBI have made us feel so welcomed and loved, letting us know that times will be difficult and emotions will run high, but that God is our source of strength and that He loves us more than we can fathom and has a great plan for our lives.  In truth, that is what has kept me here; knowing that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of souls out there waiting on me and my family to share with them the love of God and the light of the world.

My husband and I are still looking for employment, permanent housing and provision, but are not in worry or fear of these things.  We have grabbed hold of the Seed Time and Harvest teaching and know that what we have and will continue to sow will come to harvest and God shall supply our needs.  There is a bigger picture, a much greater purpose far more reaching than my own security and comforts.  I know that God has a ministry for me, a purpose for my surviving not just one cancer diagnosis, but five.  I believe in the power of the cross, the Divine Healing power of God and the Love of Jesus.  I wish to share this with others so that God’s Power and love will become real to them also.  Thank you, Pastor Rodney, for the opportunity to be used of God.  I pray to fulfill all that God has for me.


Rodney Howard Browne – Melody F. Testimony

By the beginning of August, no one had said anything about RBI or RSW to me and I had made other plans to continue my education at a local college, and resume my job as school began. But I felt such an anxiety set in about the choice I was making to continue in the world’s system when I knew within what really matters is what I do for Him. That’s when I began to get desperate for an answer from God.  I spoke with my sister briefly about what I was feeling,and she said “If there’s anything that is in the back of your mind to do, just go do it!”  That’s when I knew that I needed to began to push in the direction of Bible school.  So with 13 days until school was to start, and with zero money to my name I just began to walk in faith and I began the application process.  I decided it was best to hold a garage sale to get rid of my things to help fund this leap of faith I was about to make.

When I came to Tampa, I had no idea where I was going to stay, or how I would make it. I just knew that God had given me a passion to be here, and with that passion I knew there had to be a purpose. And so far God has not failed once to provide my every need. I stand here today so thankful to my beautiful Savior for bringing me so far and giving me a hope for my future. I know that as I continue in school, there will be much adapting and stretching.  But I feel so very excited at the knowledge I know I will receive while attending.  And I am honored to be here.

Rodney Howard Browne – Luis S. Testimony

Hosea 4: 6~ My people perish from a lack of knowledge. (KJV). It truly is amazing how many people now of days take that bible scripture lightly. Beginning with myself, I never did really understand that scripture until I began to attend the River Bible Institute. With every day that passes I indulge myself more and more in the word f God to help better myself and also to be able to do good in school. Since I was not the brightest student in high school nor was I the most academically gifted student. I enrolled in R.B.I. with multiple goals to achieve, one most important one being to do my absolute best in all my study’s and school work and also so graduate at the top of my class.

But just as everyone around me in my life knows how bad I want this unfortunately so does the devil himself. In all honesty from the moment that I received the call from the administrator letting me know that I had been awarded the scholar ship and had been accepted into The River Bible Institute it is as if almost immediately the devil and his army declared war against me. I remember out of nowhere I began to get these thoughts of doubt and fear and different people around me bean to question my motives as to why I really wanted to get a degree in Theology and also put thoughts into my head through telling me I was waiting my time and that  was going to put two years of my life into something pointless and end up with a degree that would have no way of making any money or bring in any type of income for that fact to be able to help and support my family Luis S..

Rodney Howard Browne – Ruth N. Testimony

God’s touch cannot be copied.  It is so real that when His presence comes, you will sense it. The presence of God cannot be denied.  There is nothing that could ever replace a touch from God.

God doesn’t force His touch on you; however if there’s any hungry people, God fire will light them up for they are like lightning rods.  I’ve been privileged to be present in the beginning of something God wants to do in America.  We now plunge forward into a third week of revival in the city of Tampa Florida; every night has been a challenge to my personal walk with God.  People watching from all over the world are calling the Great Awaking Prayer line to be touched with the same fire they see on television.

One Thursday night, I was happy to take part in letting God use me over telephone calls.

As I sat down and logged in the phone, immediately it began to ring.  I answered the phone and the caller was one precious lady asking for God to touch her to heal her body and to give her joy.  As I prayed the Word of God, I began to speak in tongues and pray the perfect will of God for her life. The woman began to be filled with joy of the Lord and the presence of God was there.  She said after I prayed that the pain had decreased after I had prayed for her. God had used me touch a person with His tangible power.  The same power that I had witnessed God using Dr. Rodney Howard Browne with isn’t for only special preachers or people.  It’s for any heart that’s willing to surrender all for God’s life; that is willing to yield the plan and purpose God has for them. -Ruth N

Rodney Howard Browne – Rosemary M. Testimony

This week what I found interesting was going out soul winning with believers coming from different parts of the country to learn soul winning. There was a pastor and his wife from Tampa who had never gone on the streets soul winning, while the pastor was very quiet and did not voice his apprehensions his wife admitted to being very nervous about going on the streets as she was always busy with preparations inside the church.

Another brother came all the way from New Jersey to the camp meeting and stayed on to learn how to soul win. We went to one of the inner city communities knocking on doors and greeting people as we stood on the street corner. We ran into this lady who needed healing for her leg which was paining and burning her.

As we gathered around her praying in tongues the Pastor who was with us proceeded to lead in prayer,  the lady was miraculously healed, she confessed to all of the pain and burning having left her leg. As we walked away towards our car the Pastor’s wife commented that it felt like being on the mission field and we are right here in Tampa. It was an awakening, God moves outside the four walls of the church and the people are hungry and willing to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They just need someone to come across their path and share Jesus with them. -Rosemary M.

Rodney Howard Browne – Thomas R. Testimony

This week has been a powerful week so far! I have been riding my bike back and forth from services, to and from school, as well as to and from work, and I have been speaking to people and leading them to Christ. The difficulty for me has been setting out and doing it alone, and I have struggled with keeping myself motivated to do it because the fear rises up in me or there is an “urgency” to go and do something else that I have to do for the day.

However, when I began to step out in faith and start leading people to Christ, it began to break! I still find that fear rising up, but I have been able to overcome it by grabbing scriptures and cursing the thoughts of fear or the distractions of life in order to win souls! The devil will always try and make sure there is something else for me to do or that their faces will strike fear in my heart, but as God told Jeremiah and Ezekiel, “Be not afraid of their faces…” I am excited and am believing God to begin to do something brand new in the coming weeks!! Hallelujah!!  -Thomas R.

Rodney Howard Browne – Michelle Y. Testimony

On Sunday night, I got smacked. Mid-way during service I had gotten a text message from an old friend who is attending seminary. I told him to watch the services on CTN or on, but he didn’t seem interested. Just in my opinion, if you’re hungry for God and heard that revival was breaking out, I would want to check it out. But he was comfortable in his little bubble. He basically told me that he believes in predestination, so whether we go out and preaches the gospel or whatever; it won’t really make a difference in the end. Honestly, that just got me mad.

I didn’t argue with him. But then God put it in my heart that I’m going to have to face a lot of people who think the same way as my friend, and in order to talk to them, I need a firm foundation in the Word. Also that I needed to pray. A LOT. During service, I don’t even remember what Pastor was talking about but I just started crying… The whole time I was thinking, this is why I’m here, this is why I’m at RBI. If I don’t go out and preach the gospel, then the blood of those I was supposed to reach are on my hands. So yeah, even though I’m getting tired, I’m going to push through and come out of this GAT stronger and more hungry for God. AMEN.-Michelle Y.

The Great awakening is going to rock the television airways – Rodney Howard Browne

The Great awakening is going to rock the television airways! Get out here if you can or make plans to get out here. This ministry is all about God and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Pastors Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne have set the bar by raising up people who are on fire and filled with the spirit of God that they are not ashamed to preach the Gospel and they are a people with a soul purpose which us to bring as many people into heaven with them as possible. For me personally I have this passion on the inside of me to be so on fire for God and I got this just now. We are just mirrors but what do we reflect? We must reflect the image of God which we have been made in. So I strive to put my flesh which is my desires because when I saw this ministry I said “I want what he’s got because, nothing in this world could ever satisfy me.” and it is true nothing can satisfy you but God. He is ALL that you need. And when you finally realize that and get that deep inside of you, all you ever want to do is tell somebody. So watch show as God begins to move among His people. Pack out your living room with your friends and your family. Place a demand on God, then download the Soulwinning tools and teach each other or better said practice  on each other and then get out there! It’s so easy! – Xan H.

Rodney Howard Browne – Eliseo F. and Linny S. Testimony

GOD is good hello from MONTERREY MEXICO

Linny S.

I have been to many of the Revivals and have made it to 4 of the camp meetings. I am soooo happy to have came to know the River as my place of worship. I will be attending The River as my home church and am so happy. God has sent me here to know him and Jesus. I am excited to come to one of the Soul Winning classes so I can go out and win souls. I have started with my daughter and 2 grand children.

I still have my older daughter to go and am working hard on her to have her know Jesus the way she should. Thank you Rodney and Adonica. I look forward to getting very involved with the Great Awaking!!!!

Ministers Conference 2010 – Eric R. Testimony

This minister’s conference created a new hunger for me.  It created a mirror for me that enabled me to see my reflection.  I was able to see a lack of satisfaction in the things of God in my life.  I found that I needed to put more effort, time, and devotion into other areas of my heart.  I was also convicted by the fact that these areas had been neglected.

I began to understand how important it is not only to tap into the presence and things of God but to stay in His presence.  I know now that if I remain in the Holy Spirit my light will shine bright instead of it flickering as if it is about to go out.  I learned that not allowing the fire to die down is for the benefit of others regardless of my feelings, circumstances, or ideas.

There are people that hunger and desire to be touched by God.  If the fire is not ablaze on the inside of me the people that are seeking God if they come across my path will not be able to see the light of truth.  Who knows where the next light house might be or if they’ll even have another chance to meet another Christian.

This meeting challenged me to be totally sold out to Christ and His plan with no limits or boundaries set in place.  There were no limits and no boundaries to the things that God did to find or reach me so there should be no limits on God or how He wants to enlarge/stretch me.  Being willing and submitted to this process is not an option it is a choice that must be made.

Bringing you closer to God

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