Direction from Holy Spirit

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Christ Jesus of Nazareth has never left Nazareth, HIS grace and power is still here and working wonders beyond anything a mortal man can understand. This morning I was invited to visit an Arabian lady ninety years old. Her daughter Badjia had invited me for a meal at here house a week prior to visiting her mother. Her daughter said we were eight in the family; my father died when I was 3 and my mother held the family together, we lived near the market here in Nazareth. But my mother has never given her life into the hands of Christ Jesus, she knows all about him, will you come with us to my mothers’ home and invite her to receive Christ as her saviour? And the greatest miracle is salvation; the lady of 90 years gave her life to Christ this day and also a lady visiting her said yes to Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus has blessed this family, the 90 year old lady told me my mother read out of the bible to me and I listened. She went on to say my mother told me never to take advantage of others for any reason and I never have. I have great joy in giving and not asking for something is not my way. How can I say Christ Jesus is here in Nazareth, she the 90 year old lady has a family first second third generation all with Christ Jesus. The daughter Badjia has three daughters all married to men with Christ Jesus as Lord of their life. And very interesting the three daughters all have grandchildren with the Lord they live here with their families in Nazareth one daughter is married to a American one to a Egyptian one to a Jew. From generation to generation HIS great grace has flown in this godly family, praise him from whom all blessings flow. Amen

Jerome J
Nazareth (No State) Israel