Realms of God (DVD) | George S Testimony

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A friend loaned me the dvd, i never really watched pastor. i would watch it all the time sometimes 2 or3 times a day. i would watch it at night and would always fall asleep with it on. well today was the first time i watched the whole dvd as he started to prophesy, he was talking to me. you see i have had a burden to go to the nations, but some how it never happened. i went today and applied for my passport, and in a month i will be going on my first trip to Haiti with the lashbrook family, they have been there 14 years. Praise Him ! here is a poem God gave me after prayer one morning, months before i saw the dvd. THE NATIONS ARE CRYING THEREis a sound going throughout, even the earth is starting to speak. The nations of the world saying, come to me I need to be reached. Please, don’t forget about me I’m one of God’s creations, I can learn, then teach. I may be mean, and a killer at heart. But deep inside there’s an empty part. this part I tried to fill with other gods, who do not heal or fulfill. I am crying, my people are crying God if your thrie hear this prayer I’m praying. written by, George S i have had that same deep groaning, now God is doing it ! All glory to Jesus ! thank God for your obedience and gift.

George S
Pensacola Florida United States